Sunday, 2 March 2008

2 Simple Steps To Guaranteed Weight Loss

Us here at weight loss magic have devised a plan that will guarantee that you lose weight and continue to lose weight until you are at your optimum size. And we are going to share this amazing weight loss secret with you absolutely free.

For too long people have been focusing on the types of food and combinations of food when trying to lose weight but with our simple two step plan to weight loss the pounds will fall off and you will feel fitter, healthier and less bloated. When the secrets are revealed to you, you will be amazed at how simple it is and that you haven't thought of it before.

Step 1: Eat less fucking food!
Step 2: Fucking exercise!

yes, It really is that simple. If you burn more calories than you consume you WILL lose weight. And don't give me this shit about glands, You aren't fat because of glands, You are fat because you consume more than you burn. You can't pull fat out of thin air, it's a result of the stuff you put in your face.

Now stop acting like a fucking victim, Stop looking for the easy solution and take responsibility for yourself. Stop eating and get active. You WILL lose weight.

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